The term :"Moped Scooter" is so frequently used in the US, Asia, and Europe, that it must be regarded as offical and acceptable, even though the term "moped" clearly means something else (See Mopeds). Originally used only to describe a vehicle that had pedals and very limited power, it is now commonly used to refer to 150cc Basic Scooters as well as large freeway-legal Performance Scooters and Touring Scooters.
Though many motorscooter users eschew the term, the "moped scooter" more uniquely indetifies the motorized ride-on scooter than does any other word. "Motorscooter," though widely used, is not in the dictionary as a single word (yet), and, whether spelt as one word or two, it is somewhat ambiguous as it may also be applied to mobility scooters and motorized stand-up scooters, while a "moped scooter"means only one thing -- even if it is indeed the wrong thing. This egregious misnomer together with its deplorable lack of ambiguity renders the appellation remarkably suitable in its unsuitability -- a sobriquet of uncompromised irony. A scooter then is a genre of vehicle that the logophile may ride with mingled pride and revulsion -- and just a touch of whimsey.
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