Italy is the birthplace of the motorscooter tradition. See Motorscooter History. After bouts of silence and some trouble with emissions compliance, the great Vespas and Lambrettas are now again available and regaining a popularity never entirely lost. See Vespa USA and Lambretta USA. Though even in Italy, the cheap and simple Chinese scooters have become quite popular, the Vespa and Lambretta at 3-4 times the price continue to hold their respective places at the pinnacle of scooterdom. Much like the centuries of prominence of the violins of 17th century Cremona, these are the Guarneri, Amati, and Stradavarius of the scooting world and their replutations will no doubt live on.
The classic designs of the italian masters are obviously reflected in the less expensive imitations from Japan, Taiwan, India, and China (See inexpensive classic motorscooters), but to the purist of means, the classic makes retain their appeal.
Although the classic Italian Vespas and Lambrettas epitomize scooterdom throughout the world, Chinese motorscooters are making major inroads even there.
Using a Motorscooter Videocam to record a tour through Rome, this delightful video shows a scooter's eye view of the ancient hub of civilization.
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