Travel Mobility Scooters

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Types of Mobility Scooters

 Travel Mobility Scooters
 Three-wheel mobility scooters
 Four-wheel mobility scooters
 Heavy-duty mobility scooters

Travel Mobility Scooters

Pride 4 Wheel Go-Go Lite Heavy Duty Travel Scooter
A Heavy Duty Travel Scooter. All the features rolled into one.
Pride 4 Wheel Go-Go Lite Heavy Duty Travel Scooter

Travel scooters are those which can be readily disassembled into four or five pieces to fit in the trunk of a car. In most cases, the heaviest piece weighs less than 25 lbs. Typically not as robust as larger scooters, travel scooters may lack features such as arm-rests, and may have more limited speed and range. Most use sealed or gel batteries and, while this makes them airline legal and safer than lead-acid batteries, they do no have as much capacity as lead-acid and therefore have more limited range. They may have either three or four wheels and usually range in price from $550 to $1550 depending on features and capacity. The lighter-duty travel scooter is not recommended for people over five-foot-ten or over 300lbs, but there are Heavy-Duty travel scooters. See the Pride 4 Wheel Go-Go Lite Heavy Duty Travel Scooter which has a 325 pound capacity.

Pride 4 Wheel Go-Go Lite Heavy Duty Travel Scooter

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